Γενοκτονία στη Ανατολή: Από την Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία στο Έθνος Κράτος

agtzidis genocide in the east 

Γενοκτονία στη Ανατολή: Από την Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία στο Έθνος Κράτος
[Genocide in the East: From the Ottoman Empire to a Nation-State]
Edited by Vlassis Agtzidis.
Kiriakatiki Eleftherotypia
168 pages.

The following booklet comprises articles written primarily by Turkish authors who have spoken out about the genocide. 
- Vlassis Agtzidis: From Empire to nation state (1908-1923).
- Fikret Baskaya: The consciousness of history will set us free.
- Ahmet Oral: An interesting and dangerous question. The Armenian, Greek and Alevi question.
- Ismail Besikci: The basis of the Committee of Union and Progress, Neoturks.
- Taner Akcam: The deportations and massacres of Greeks from 1913-1914. A trial run for the genocide of the Armenians.
- Fuat Dundar: The deportation of Greeks from western Asia Minor in 1914. The findings of European Consulates and the history of the photographs of the Greek village Serekoy.
- Attila Tuygan: Genocide for the "holy land."
- Pervin Erbil: A tragic page in the ethnic cleansing of the Rum (Greeks), 1914-1924.
- Ali Sait Cetinoglu: The idea of an independent Pontus and the genocide of the Greeks of Pontus.
- Mehmet Akyol: The years 1915-1923 are the years of ethnic cleansing.
- Recep Marash: The myth of the "Turkish war of Independence."
- Sibel Ozbudun: What should follow from the "Armenian Question."
- The opinion of Halil Berktay: Was there a single genocide? From an interview with Ahilleas Hekimoglou.
- The opinions of Ayse Hur: Pontus'un gayri resmi tarihi (The unofficial history of Pontus).
- Theodoros E. Pavlidis: The opinions of Turks on the Pontus question.
- Dogan Akhanli: The pain wouldn't have been smaller if we hadn't spoken about genocide. An intervew with Sofia Georgalidi.
- Ali Sait Cetinoglou: Imperialism: The Greco-Turkish war and Mustafa Kemal.
- Siar Rizvanoglou: The trauma continues: To not be allowed to say your name 100 years later.
- Vlassis Agtzidis: Omer Asan: Pontos Kulturu. A milestone book for understanding Turkish society.
- Vlassis Agtzidis: Samsun'dan Srebrenitsa'ya (From Samsun to Srebrenica). Republishing material from the newspaper "Newroz."
- Yianni Skialidaki: By way of an Epilogue: Thoughts on the reason for a dedication.

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