21 Jun 1922: Greeks Beheaded in Asia Minor, Sheboygan Press

sheboygan press 21061921


The Sheboygan Press Telegram
June 21, 1922. p 9.

   Athens,  Greece  -  Official inform-
ation   from Smyrna is  to the effect
that, the  Greek  Governor  of Sokia
reports that  five  Greeks,   who es-
caped from Geronta  (in the interior
of   Asia  Minor),   brought   tidings
that the whole  Greek population in
that  part   of the country has  been
deported  towards  the  furthest  in-
terior, most   probably  to   Mougla.
On  the way  they  are being gradu-
ally  massacred.  The  women   and
the children are herded together in
a few houses and there left to die of
starvation. Prior to this  the  women
are forced to dance for  the  amuse-
ment  of  the   Turkish  rabble,  and
the  violation  of   women, girls and
young boys   is   carried   on  in the
most abominable manner.



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