22 Aug 1916: The Unspeakable Turk, The Argus


Pitiable plight of Greeks.

The Argus
22 Aug 1916

      The condition of the Greeks on the Black
Sea   coast  is   described in a message from
Athens   as   deplorable.   The  Turks, owing
to  the   Russian  advance  in   Armenia,  are
clearing    the   inhabitants   out  of  the  vil-
lages and sending them on foot to concentra-
tion camps in the interior.
     The unfortunate Greeks are almost food-
less,  yet  the   Turks  rob  these pitiful cara-
vans of every  possession.  The  Greek  chil-
dren are  being  taken from the villages and
converted to Islamism.
     To add to the  horrors which the Greeks
are  suffering, Turkish  soldiers are commit-
ting brutalities on the women and girls.


"THE UNSPEAKABLE TURK." The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957) 22 August 1916: 7. Web. 9 Nov 2019 <http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article1630593>.


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