23 Sep 1922: Outrages in Smyrna, The Australasian



The Australasian, Melbourne
23 September 1922.

  People who have arrived at  Mytilini from
Smyrna  state  that a  reign  of  terror pre-
vails   in  the  city.   The   Turks   are    de-
spoiling   the remainder of the    populace,
and sufferers   include   Europeans.   Even
large buildings guarded by French marines
are  being  pillaged.   Many   Greeks  have
thrown themselves into the  sea   in  order
to escape the fury  of  the  Turks.  Several
of  these Greeks  were  rescued  by  Allied
   Refugees from Smyrna who have reached
Athens recount  even  more  terrible stories
of Turkish  ferocity.  They say  that  imme-
diately  after  entering  the  city  the Kema-
list soldiers massacred and  robbed the citi-
zens, and that the quays are littered with

OUTRAGES IN SMYRNA. (1922, September 23). The Australasian (Melbourne, Vic. : 1864 - 1946), p. 42. Retrieved September 28, 2015, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article140785356


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