12 Dec 1912: Turks Burning Villages and Massacring Inhabitants, Norwich Bulletin

norwich 12121912

Norwich Bulletin, Conn.
December 12, 1912.

   Athens, Dec. 11. - It  is  semi-officially
confirmed  that  Black  sea  Turks  have 
been  burning  villages   and  massacring
the  inhabitants in the neighborhood of
Gallipoli    and   Lalos.   Similar  atrocities
have  occurred  in  the  Keshani  district
of Thrace where 300 Greeks have been
massacred.  The  town  of  Keshani and
surrounding  villages have been burned.

Source: Norwich bulletin. (Norwich, Conn.), 12 Dec. 1912.
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress.


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