15 May 1919: Greek Refugees Tell of Outrages, Jasper News

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The Jasper News.
May 15, 1919.

   Saloniki. - High upon the hills of the
bustling  Macedonian  city   is  a   pic-
turesque   settlement   where   3,000
Greek   refugees,  driven   from   Asia
Minor by the massacre of 1914, make
their   homes.   Hundreds    of   other
Greeks who were interned by the Bul-
garians in  Dobrudja  during  the  war
have   joined    them   recently.    The
houses in this refugee camp were con-
structed by the Greek Government. A
space equivalent  to a large New York
furnished room  is   allotted  to a fam-
ily of from five to eight.


        Tell Bitter Experience.
   The older residents of  this  refugee
‘suburb’  of Saloniki,   most  of  whom
had fled from different  parts  of  Asia
Minor during the wholesale massacres
there in 1914, have bitter experiences
to relate about their  treatment by the
Turks. Some of these   people lived in
the city  of  Phocis,  where the  whole
Christian  population  either  had been
driven out or were  killed by the Turks.
The women wept as  they  told  about
the  outrages  of  the   Moslems.  The
worst  story  was that told by  an intel-
ligent peasant  woman, who  declared
that in  a   butcher  shop  opposite her
home in  Phocis  she  saw   the  Turks
take a young girl who was  considered
the most  attractive  in  town  and cut
her body  into pieces. They  hung  the
pieces  on   meat  hooks  and  offered
them for public sale, she said, to show
the Turks’ contempt for Greek Chris-

What most impresses the  eye  of  the
visitor to speaking  with  these  unfor-
tunate people  is their  sad,  wan and
furrowed   faces.   They   have  been
driven   about  by  the  invading  foe
until they  have  reached the point al-
most of despair and distraction.

The Jasper news. (Jasper, Mo.), 15 May 1919. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn90061052/1919-05-15/ed-1/seq-9/>

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