17 May 1919: U.S Committee Aids Turkish Harem Victims, New York Tribune

new york tribune 17051919

Relief Rushed for Thousands of Women and Girls Cast Out of Ottoman Homes

New York Tribune
May 17, 1919.

   Measures for  the care of the   thou-
sands of Christian   women   and  girls
who  have been released  or   rescued
from  Turkish harems  since  the  sign-
ing of the armistice have been    taken
by    the   American   Committee    for
Armenian and Syrian Relief,  it was an-
nounced by that committee  yesterday.
   A cablegram from Constantinople  to
the committee in New York  announces
that  homes  for  the  women and girls
and for many children, also taken from
the harems, have been started in fifteen
cities in Asia Minor,  and  that  prepara-
tions have been made for the industrial
training of the  women and girls  under
the direction of a committee of experts.
In the homes of the Turks, these Chris-
tian women and girls were  treated  as
slaves and were not permitted to study
or acquire any useful accomplishments,
the organization makes known.

New-York tribune. (New York [N.Y.]), 17 May 1919. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1919-05-17/ed-1/seq-6/>


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