16 Dec 1914: Turks Massacre Greeks, Evening Ledger

Evening Ledger Philadelphia 16121914

Riot at Pillage Terrorizes Christians at Aivali.

Evening Ledger, Philadelphia.
Dec 16, 1914, 4.

     ATHENS,  Dec.  16.-- Greek  Christians
are   being  massacred  by Turks  at  Aivali,
Asia  Minor.    Houses  have  been  pillaged
in the suburb and shops of the town itself
have  been  set  on fire.  Women and girls
have  been  attacked  by  the Turks.
   Aivali is a town of 20,000 people on the
Gulf   of   Adramyti.   Most  of  its   inhabi-
tants are Greek.


Evening public ledger. [volume] (Philadelphia [Pa.]), 16 Dec. 1914. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045211/1914-12-16/ed-1/seq-4/>


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