4 Mar 1920: Report Turks Killed Many in Rodosto, New York Times

nyt 04031920

Greeks and Armenians Said to be Victims of Massacre at Sea of Marmora Port.

New York Times, 
March 4, 1920.

     PARIS, Mar. 3. - The  Greek  Legation
made public a telegram today, charging
the  slaughter  of   a  large  number   of
Greeks and Armenians by  the  Turks  in
Rodosto, sixty  miles  northeast  of  Gal-
lipoli  on  the  Sea of  Marmora.
    The  telegram  adds  that  the  French
Governor  of  Dedeaghatch  has  left for
Enos, the headquarters of the followers
of   Mustapha   Kemal   Pasha,   Turkish
Nationalist  leader,  who  are  said to be
terrorizing inhabitants of that region.




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