18 Apr 1914: Turkish Persecution of Greeks, The Times



The Times.
18 April 1914, p.7.

              4,000 REFUGEES AT HERACLEA.
                                        ATHENS, April 17.
After  all  deductions  have  been made to cover
for   exaggeration,   there    is    abundant    evi-
dence to show that the Turks are subjecting the
Greeks in Thrace  and  at  Smyrna  to  systematic
persecution   in   order   to   bring   about   their
emigration.    Approximately    4,000     refugees
are  now  concentrated  at  Heraclea, of   whom
1,000 have  already  embarked.  The  boycott of
Greeks and of Greek merchandise in the environs
of  Smyrna  is  being  prosecuted  with increasing
vigour  and   is  doing   considerable  damage   to
European commercial interests.
   The  Ports  sadly  misjudges  the  effect of this
policy  if  it  thinks  that  it  is likely  to  further an
amicable  arrangement  with Greece  on the sub-
ject of the Islands.


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